- Description
This kind of NetMarble account login is email and password, not ID and password, it is suitable for NetMable games need to use Netmarble Launcher.
Check the details of verified NetMarble KR account:
General Account:
- We will provide account, password
- Available to recharge
- Do no refund once delivered
Unable to re-verify, If locked within 3 days, we will half refund or replace another free account (If exceed 3 days, we don't responsible for it)
Register device fee is $5 each time (not required, and only can do it within 3 days), order $5(input quantity 5) here if you need https://www.obtgame.com/convenient-link-for-regular-customer.html
Rent Account:
- We will provide account, password
- Available to recharge
Need to renew before expire date, otherwise account will be taken back by ID owner and sell to other player. renew here https://www.obtgame.com/renew-rent-account.html
Rent for 30Days Account (need to renew every 30Days, keep phone number, supports all re-verifications except ban)
If unable to re-verify, we will refund by account remain time (Do not refund cash in account).
Unlock Re-verification fee is $3 for each time, order $3(input quantity 3) here https://www.obtgame.com/convenient-link-for-regular-customer.html
Every Device Registration fee is $5 after first time (first time free, Device Registration is not required), order $5(input quantity 5) here if you need https://www.obtgame.com/convenient-link-for-regular-customer.html
- Don't support for refund if account works.
Require to connect to play with Korean VPN, otherwise account may be locked.
The account is already verified by korean phone number now.
But NetMarble system may let you verify original phone number again in future, this means re-verification.What games you can play with verified NetMarble KR account?
- Arthdal Chronicles:Three Power Official Site: https://arthdal.netmarble.com/tc/main
- Raven 2 Official site: https://raven2.netmarble.com/
Buy Asia VPN on https://www.obtgame.com/asia-vpn.html
- Reviews
Customer Reviews 1 item(s) | Add Your Review
- great service
Work as intended, no complain.
i can login into Raven II and Arthdal Chronicles as advertised.Value Quality Price