- Description
The account also can stream QQ music https://y.qq.com, watch Tencent Video https://v.qq.com/
can login wegame https://www.wegame.com.cn/
Tarisland Chinese server 塔瑞斯世界: https://trssj.qq.com/ (Open beta on 12th June, 2024)
This account is only for games, can't chat or join chat group
QQ Chinese Game List(Only for China server) Official Website http://game.qq.com/
- Black Desert 黑色沙漠 https://bd.qq.com/
- MapleStory 2 冒险岛2 https://mxd2.qq.com/main.htm
- MoonLight Blade 天涯明月刀 http://wuxia.qq.com
- X-GAME 御龙在天 http://yl.qq.com
- Blade&Soul 剑灵 http://bns.qq.com
- Xuan Yuan Chuan Qi 轩辕传奇2 http://xy2.qq.com
- Asura 斗战神 http://dzs.qq.com
- QQ三国 http://sg.qq.com/main.shtml
- QQ华夏 http://qqhx.qq.com
- Zentia 寻仙 http://xx.qq.com/index.shtml
- ArcheAge 上古世纪 http://age.qq.com
- Dragon nest awaken http://dn.qq.com
- Swords of Legends 古剑奇谭
- Valorant CN 无畏契约 https://val.qq.com/main.html
- More...
Action game
- Monster Hunter Online 怪物猎人 OL http://mho.qq.com/main.shtml
- Kritika CN 疾风之刃 http://jf.qq.com
- Blade & Sword II 刀剑2 http://d2.qq.com
- Iron Knight 刀锋铁骑 http://t7.qq.com
- Lost Saga 王牌对决 http://k.qq.com
Esport Game
- Call of Duty 使命召唤OL http://codol.qq.com/act/20150721ldy/
- SMITE 神之浩劫 http://sm.qq.com
- War thunder 战争雷霆 http://wt.qq.com
- FIFA Online3 http://eafifa.qq.com
- League of Legends China 英雄联盟LOL China LOL http://lol.qq.com
- CrossFire 穿越火线 http://cf.qq.com
- Assault Fire 逆战 http://nz.qq.com
- NBA2K Online 全民街篮 http://nba2k.qq.com
- Orcs Must Die 兽人必须死 http://omd.qq.com
- Master X Master 全职大师 http://ds.qq.com
- Pubg 绝地求生 https://pubg.qq.com/
- Strinova Calabiyau 卡拉彼丘 https://klbq.qq.com/
- More...
Leisure & Platform
- QQ Dancer QQ炫舞 http://x5.qq.com
- GKART QQ飞车 http://speed.qq.com
- QQ Game http://qqgame.qq.com
- Roco Kingdom 洛克王国 http://17roco.qq.com
- 炫舞时代 http://5s.qq.com
- QQ Pet 企鹅 http://pet.qq.com
- MX 勇者大冒险 http://mx.qq.com
Web Game
- COS 英魂之刃 http://cos.qq.com
- 轩辕世界 http://xysj.qq.com
- Fire Rush 枪林弹雨 http://fps.qq.com
- Happy tank 欢乐坦克 http://hltk.qq.com
- FishLord 捕鱼达人 3D http://bydr.qq.com
- 全民主公 http://zgol.qq.com
- Naruto 火影忍者Online OL http://huoying.qtikaq.com
- 生死狙击OL http://ssjj.qq.com
- 怒海风云 http://dyjd.qq.com
- doudizhuMore...
Mobile Game
- 龙族幻想 https://dna.qq.com/web201812/main.shtml
- X-GAME Mobile 御龙在天手游 http://ylzt.qq.com
- CarrotFantasy3 保卫萝卜3 http://luobo3.qq.com
- The Legend Of Swordman Mobile 剑侠情缘手游 http://jxqy.qq.com/main.shtml
- 征途 http://zt.qq.com/main.shtml
- 全民斗战神 http://qmdzs.qq.com
- CF手游 http://cfm.qq.com
- Honor of kings, king of glory 王者荣耀 http://pvp.qq.com
- legend of mir 热血传奇 http://mir.qq.com
- Naruto Online Mobile 火影忍者手游 http://hyrz.qq.com
- Cool running every day 天天酷跑 http://pao.qq.com
- Miracle Nikki 奇迹暖暖 http://qqgame.qq.com/app/gamedetail_20112.shtml
- raz 拉结尔 https://raz.qq.com
- High Energy Heroes 高能英雄 https://gn.qq.com/web202309/index.html
- Chimeraland 妄想山海 https://shanhai.qq.com/
- Arena Breakout 暗区突围 https://aqtw.qq.com/
- Brawl Stars 荒野战斗 https://bs.qq.com/
- Game for peace 和平精英 https://gp.qq.com/main.shtml
- Battle Through the Heaven 斗破苍穹 https://dp.qq.com/main.shtml
- Dragon ball strongest warriors 龙珠激斗 https://lzjd.qq.com/
- More...
QQ CN account info:
- Rent for 30 days/3 Months Account, need to renew before expire date, otherwise account will be taken back by ID owner and sell to other player. renew here https://www.obtgame.com/renew-rent-account.html
- Able to re-verify if get lock, Do not change device. please add our skype obtgame if get lock.
- Verified age, Able to recharge and purchase in game
- Don't support for refund
Contact us if you want to verify your existing QQ/Wechat/Wegame account for games.
Buy Cash Shop Points on https://www.obtgame.com/qq-coin-china-top-up-poins-for-all-tencent-games.html
Buy China VPN on https://www.obtgame.com/china-vpn.html
- Reviews
Customer Reviews 10 item(s) | Add Your Review
- 10/10 support, fast and helpful
Helped me through login for Calabiyau and linking QQ!
Amazingly fast support.Price Value Quality - Got the account quick and works as should for the Chinese client of Valorant. Communication has been great from OBT! Thanks.
Reliable and trustworthy
Value Quality Price - Exactly what I needed
Works great! Needed to add on Skype to confirm a detail but otherwise very happy!
Price Value Quality - Good customer service and trustworthy. Highly recommended.
Price Value Quality - Excellent!
Express delivery, QQ Account used with WeGame, QQMusic, all works ! ;) Thx!
Quality Price Value - Makes life easy
Works as advertised. Makes it easy for an American to play games
Value Quality Price - Best Customer Service
Received the code pretty fast but I encountered an issue regarding QQ freezing my account. So I contacted customer support and the issue was resolved swiftly!
Price Value Quality - Fast and Easy!!!
It didn’t take them long to deliver and having the Skype txt communication was wonderful to verify the account, 5/5 stars Easily worth it!
Price Value Quality - QQ Account
Seller is very reponsitive, trustworhty. I orders a verified QQ account and get it in the same day.
Value Quality Price - Skeptical at first but it actually works.
Skeptical because for some reason I didn't receive an e-mail regarding the QQ account information. After talking with customer service I was finally able to obtain the information and it worked. I would recommend OBT game.
Price Value Quality