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Submit Request

We can’t list all products(Korean or Chinese game account, game verification, game cash) on OBTGAME. If you can’t find the product you are looking for on our site, please submit request here.

For gamers, a large numbers of new games release every day. We don’t have the ability to cover all games. You can submit request here to find your game.
PC Games: Please tell us the game name, website, region, and your request.
Android/iOS/Windows Phone Games: Please tell us the game name, region, website(if have) and your request.
For other requests, if you are interested in that, please leave message here. BTW we are available to buy almost all products for you on any Chinese and South Korean websites. 

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Others | toptoon.com account verified +18
Hello I would like to know if it would be possible to add that we can buy a toptoon.com account check +18
Request by Inovadiax, sphinx****a@gmail.com / (Requested on 12/3/2023)
sorry, can't do it
Game – PC | throne and liberty
throne and liberty korean account
Request by tuan vu, hoadie****1@gmail.com / (Requested on 11/2/2023)
check detail here https://www.obtgame.com/verified-throne-and-liberty-ncsoft-korean-account.html
Others | Onestore (kr) verified account
Requesting a verified OneStore (Kr) account to download games and other apps from their platform
Request by Giovanni Santana, Gg****c@gmail.com / (Requested on 10/30/2023)
please add our skype obtgame for it. https://join.skype.com/invite/ERmDhqqjFnrQ
Others | PSN Chinese account
I want a Chinese PSN account which has the real name registration done.
Request by Junaid , Junaid.kin****3@outlook.com / (Requested on 9/16/2023)
check detail here https://www.obtgame.com/playstation-network-china-account-game-in-cn-store.html
Others | Novelpia r19 account
Novelpia account r19 verified
I think it needs ID
Request by Hue, huehueduck883****t@gmail.com / (Requested on 7/28/2023)
price is $20, order $20(input quantity 20) here https://www.obtgame.com/convenient-link-for-regular-customer.html
Others | novelpia account
I want verified novelpia +19 account
Request by frogman, fr****3@gmail.com / (Requested on 7/28/2023)
price is $20, order $20(input quantity 20) here https://www.obtgame.com/convenient-link-for-regular-customer.html
Others | 100 hearts for pandatv
100 hearts for pandatv
Request by Naya, naya****5@gmail.com / (Requested on 7/14/2023)
check here https://www.obtgame.com/verified-panda-live-tv-19-korean-account-pandalive-hearts-cash-points.html
Others | SMS Verification
Hello, I would like a Registered account for the kk对战平台 (https://reckfeng.com/) that requires Chinese phone number.
Request by Steven, narutouzumak****0@gmail.com / (Requested on 6/20/2023)
price is $15, order $15(input quantity 15) here https://www.obtgame.com/convenient-link-for-regular-customer.html
Game – PC | Valorant China server account
is it possible you guys can upload valorant cn servers account ?
Request by kmryia, k****a@naver.com / (Requested on 6/10/2023)
check detail here https://www.obtgame.com/qq-game-cn-account.html
Game – PC | Wanmei game account to play Zhu Xian World
The website of the game: https://zxsj.wanmei.com/main.html
Request by Angela K., angela****9@live.de / (Requested on 5/23/2023)
please add our skype obtgame for it. https://join.skype.com/invite/ERmDhqqjFnrQ
Others | bomlive
BomLive Korea
URL: https://www.bomlive.co.kr/style/typebom/default.asp

Will there be anything related for account creation for this live streaming website and adding credits to the account?
Request by Justin, ho_kai****g@yahoo.com.sg / (Requested on 5/15/2023)
please add our skype obtgame for it. https://join.skype.com/invite/ERmDhqqjFnrQ
Others | https://m.onestore.co.kr/mobilepoc/etc/marketDownloadGuide.omp
Hello. I need a verified 19+ account from the Korean "ONE Store" to be able to download 19+ apps from it
Request by Naya, naya****5@gmail.com / (Requested on 4/7/2023)
please add our skype obtgame for it. https://join.skype.com/invite/ERmDhqqjFnrQ
Game – PC | Lunia on Korean Servers

Hello. To play on this Lunia server you must register with a Korean phone number. I know a lot of people who would pay to be able to play from other parts of the world, including me.
Request by Jeff, jeffwillia****5@gmail.com / (Requested on 3/30/2023)
check detail here https://www.obtgame.com/verified-valofe-korean-account.html
Game – PC | Gersang account
Hello, I need verified Gersang account.
Request by Joseph Choo, jckr****8@hotmail.com / (Requested on 3/24/2023)
check detail here https://www.obtgame.com/verified-gersang-kr-account.html
Game – iOS | Account creation for 木叶:忍界传说
Game: 木叶:忍界传说
Region: China (mainland)
Hello, I want to buy an account for the 木叶:忍界传说 game, with login either through ID or mobile number.
Request by Nhat Anh, nhat.anh.nguye****n@gmail.com / (Requested on 3/1/2023)
please add our skype obtgame for it. https://join.skype.com/invite/ERmDhqqjFnrQ

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